Speaking & Media Engagements
2024 CSIS Policy Fellowship Alumni Event, November 2, 2024, Speaker.
“Lift and Shift Podcast,” March 29, 2023, Guest.
“Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021,” December 16, 2020, CSIS Smart Women. Guest.
“Die U.S. Wahl [The U.S. Election],” November 6, 2020, Heute Journal on ZDF [German Public Television]. Guest.
“U.S. Wahl 2020,” November 3, 2020, Tagesthemen on ARD [German Public Television]. Guest.
“Amerika in Aufruhr, [America in Turmoil],” America's Choice: Der US-Wahlcast, Atlantik-Brücke & Aspen Institute Germany, June 10, 2020.
“Congolese Women and Girls Moving Development Forward,” September 21, 2019, at the 2019 Congolese Diaspora Impact Summit. Moderator.
“Transatlantic Security” and “Female Leadership,” November 1, 2019, at the German-American Conference/Harvard University. Panelist.
“Assessing the recent elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” February 1, 2019, at the Brookings Institution. Panelist.
“The Five Eyes: U.S. Security Cooperation with Australia and New Zealand in the Homeland Security Context,” December 17, 2018, at the Greater Des Moines Committee on Foreign Relations. Speaker.
“Taking the Next Step to Leadership: Advancing Your Career in International Security,” Women in International Security and Women’s Foreign Policy Group, August 8, 2018. Moderator.
“Under Macron, France Has Yet to Tackle Racism and Xenophobia in French Society,” July 12, 2018. Reality Check with Charles Ellison on WURD Radio 96.1 FM. Guest.
“The Putin Problem,” June 2, 2018, Truman National Security Project 2018 Annual Conference. Moderator.
“Redefining National Security: Why and How,” May 11, 2018, at the Brookings Institution. Moderator.